Saturday, August 1, 2009

Craft Hope

If you read my blog through Google Reader (or any other blog reader, for that matter), you may not have noticed that I added another button to my sidebar today -- one for Craft Hope. I participated in Project #2 (the dolls to Nicaragua) and most recently, Project #3 (baby blankets to India). I am ashamed to say that the baby blanket I sent was not near as cute as my little doll, Esperanza. In fact, I didn't take a picture of it to even show you. But I did get it finished in the nick of time (what is my issue with procrastination????) and sent off on the great journey.

Of course, the idea is not how impressive or how cute an item is -- it is the fact that people take the time to make these items for such important causes. Click on over to Craft Hope and read the last few posts about both of these projects. It's amazing how many blankets, hats, pillowcases, balls and handkerchiefs were collected to send to India! And I dare you not to tear up when you read the post about the actual trip to deliver the dolls and see the photos of the girls clutching their new possessions. You can also read Eren's personal account here.

So what's holding you back? I hope this might spur you to jump on the bandwagon for Project #4, whatever it may be. (It's supposed to be announced on the Craft Hope website in the next week.) I've said it before, even if you are not crafty, you surely have a friend or a family member or a Great-Aunt Beulah twice-removed who is crafty that you could schmooze into making something for you to contribute. The blessings are endless, I promise you...


Unknown said...

you are awesome doing your time for such a great cause...BRAVO!

Natalie said...

Thank you for sharing about Craft Hope! I am going to sign up for the next project...sock monkeys! How much fun is that and I have a pile of socks screaming to be made into monkeys.

Karen said...

Your angel wings are coming in the mail next week...I am almost sure of it

mo said...

I love these type of projects. I hope this one is due after school starts. My sewing time is pretty scarce these days! Thanks for the heads up!