There's nothing like Pinterest to keep a girl grounded.
Once you've spent any amount of time on there (say hours, anyone?), you can feel both inspired and downright intimidated all at the same time. People, please. You can't fool me -- all you little Martha Stewart look-alikes can't really have it all together where you make no less than 482 homespun crafts a day while homeschooling your 19-and-counting children and managing your organic homestead all at the same time. (Um, ya'll better not be pointing fingers at me. I feed my kids Fruit Loops and send their sugared-up selves off to public school every day.) Puh-leeze. I'm assuming all those Pinteresting people out there are just like moi -- pinning fools with thousands of ooh-I-should-try-this-some-day-pins all the while knowing that realistically getting one accomplished a year sounds about right.
Am I right, or am I right? Right, right, right?
Anyway, nothing inspires better than to have a necessity fall apart on you in an hour of need.
I finally found time to sew up some new pajama pants for my growing-several-inches-a-day young lads since all of their pajama bottoms are currently capris, and when I got ready to iron all of my fabric (that I bought weeks, months, and years ago, people, hello procrastinator), my ironing board cover fell right off.
So I did what any other resourceful and desperate girl would do. I grabbed my keys and headed straight out the door to Target, realizing before I even stepped foot out the door that I don't have a normal sized ironing board. No sirree. This years-old special came from Target and was a fancy-schmancy designer (Philip Starck, maybe?) ironing board. It's wider than the average board by at least 5 or 6 inches, and I'm pretty sure a standard size ironing board cover would be no bueno. I blame it on the husband. He bought it.
I quickly dug through my fabric stash (let's not talk about how much fabric I've collected, coughcough, hoarder, coughcough), found three coordinating pieces of "Blossom" by Urban Chiks for Moda (in case anyone wonders), and got to work using this awesome tutorial.
And voila. She went from this ghetto specialness:
to this:
(and a look at the back):
Ah, much better.
And girlfriends, I spent ZERO dollars. That's right. I used the pad from the other cover, ripped the cording out of the other cover as well, and used fabric I already had. My man is so proud. And he is not too manly to iron his shirts on our birdie-infested ironing board.
Thank you so much for such kind remarks regarding my last post. I'm definitely going to be sharing more about our fostering journey, the good and the ugly, but I promise to also throw in some more crafting fun (and fails, haha) and general hilarity from slices of my life. You know, in all my free time...
Nice, but my favorite part of your post is "I feed my kids Fruit Loops and send their sugared-up selves off to public school every day."
The things on pinterest that I am mostly likely to actually do are things for my classroom or food. There is only so much time in the day. I already have a long list of quilts that I don't have time to make.
Love love love it! I would love to do more crafts. I still haven't finished my one quilt. I just need to pay someone. ha. Bravo for something so cute and FREE! (-:
Yes, you are right. I quit pinning those "super easy/simple/quick way to do ___ " a long time ago. I was realistic with myself that I would likely never do any of them.
Oh, and although Martha Stewart herself is quite crafty and resourceful, she's not exactly known for having the best relationship with her daughter, Alexis. So, have fun building Lego towers with your kiddos, organic garden be darned.
I am most likely to actually make a recipe I've pinned, so kudos for actually doing something crafty, lol! Super cute ironing board, BTW!
Very cute --I need a new cove r for my board and there is no saving anything on it.
Will have to check out the tutorial.
Looking forward to more stories.
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