Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Two words.

(Let's play.

Shall we?)

We moved.

No joke.

Different house.

Happened fast.

Crazy fast.

Big surprise!

Not planned.

God planned.

Thank goodness.

Boxes everywhere.

No Internet,

all week,

until today (yay!).

Waaaaaaaaaaay behind.

Messy (old) house.

Messy (new) house.

More packing.

Still. {Blech.}

New house
new kindergartener
new job
other stuff


some stress.

Oh well.

Life's good.

Real good.

New house


no pool (yay!)

big yard

less bathrooms

(ha ha)

new furniture

(bedroom furniture

too big

for stairs)

warm & cozy

cul-de-sac -- hooray!

wood-burning fireplace

first-floor utility (yay!)

quiet street.

That's it.

I'm done.

Need nap...


~Michelle~ said...


Wowsers chica!

But kinda sounds like a little bit of fun - you'll laugh about this later... pictures are always good to share :)

You don't want to add another layer of crazy and fly out for Pink Martini on Saturday, do ya? :-p We have 2 extra tix now, friends had to back out (grandma is getting married, lol)

Thyen Party of Four said...

Wait ... you what?! lol You've got to give more than 2 words about this one!!! :)

Hang in there!

Melinda said...

You moved--when and why????

Oh boy!!!


Angie said...

Definitely more details needed!

Tricia said...

Congrats! We need pictures!

@nnie said...

Cute post

and exciting!

need info

please post

time allowing!

Pray~and~Wait said...

Oh my word!!! CRAZY!!!!! Can't wait to see pictures of the new place!

Lindsay said...

What?! Update me please on what brought this on! Send me your new address when you can :) And happy new house!!!

johnny and shan said...

Hi, Valerie! Just read your blog--I don't know how we found it to begin with, but...Anyway, we're excited about a new move. Is it near where you used to live? HOpe you all are great!

sbmeeks said...

Yeah....we need to catch up. Do you need help organizing 'cuz I'm free several days next week :)

Amy said...

Wow, I had no idea! Is it closer to my old neck of the woods?

Rhonda said...

Pics or it didn't happen!!

(Congrats on all the changes!)

The Busters said...

Holy Moly!!!! Congrats!!! I need to email you to get all the deets!!! You must be exhausted!!!!

Phyllis said...

Wow, how exciting!! But yes, we need pictures and more details on how this came about. Hope you got a nap :)

Unknown said...

LOL...i think I need a nap now too...phew you have been BUSY!

ThatsBaloney said...

This post
makes me
so tired

Who moves
like that?

Good luck
to you.