Thursday, May 19, 2011

We interrupt this broadcast...

of normally sunshiney happy posts

to vent.

About how life sometimes sucks.

Yesterday was our ninth wedding anniversary.

(That part doesn't suck, just in case you were wondering.)

My husband was out of town on business.

One of the kids woke me up at 3am.

My husband was supposed to be in town by 11am so we could go to lunch together, sans kids, for our anniversary.

His flight was canceled.

The dog wasn't doing so well.

I began to wonder if the dog was going to make it.

My husband did come home yesterday afternoon, thank goodness.

The kids were not acting their best.

We had some homework issues that made me want to pull my hair out.

The dog continued to get worse.

My husband took the dog to the vet prepared for the worst, but was reassured by some young veterinarian that our dog would probably be feeling better in a few days. So he returned home with the dog.

I didn't know if I could make it much longer having to see our dog like that.

All day long I had already been on pins and needles over the dog.

So stressed.

Ten margaritas couldn't have calmed me down.

We went to dinner with the kids, not exactly what we had in mind for our anniversary.

But oh well, what is a ninth wedding anniversary without some good ol' fashioned reality thrown in, right?

We even drove the kids past our wedding venue on the way home from dinner. Who would've thought we'd end up living two blocks away from where we were married?

Throughout the night the dog continued downhill.

I couldn't sleep too well, aware of the inevitable.

This morning the kids (again) were not their best.

This morning more homework issues were discovered.

This morning attitudes were adjusted.

Unfortunately mine was not one of them.

This morning my husband had to take our beloved dog in to be put to sleep.

You'd think that the people (us) that had five dogs at once would be used to the loss of a dog since we just went through this approximately two years ago, but no. It doesn't get any easier. We're true animal people. You know the type -- even after having kids (of the human variety), our furry children never took much of a backseat. Think about it -- pets can't talk back, throw tantrums, etc. There's a lot of unconditional love going on when pets are involved, at least in our house. So I've done my fair share of crying already this morning. And it's going to take awhile to get used to the empty feelings in the house.

Tomorrow I have no doubt I will be back to my normal, glass-always-half-full mentality, pushing the rose-colored glasses I love back up on my nose. But today, I just need to vent.

And probably cry quite a bit more.

Thanks for letting me get that out.


Lesly said...

Very sad. I can empathize 100%. Traveling that road before doesn't make it any easier when it comes to losing and grieving for the loss of such a true friend. I hope you can take comfort in remembering what a loving home you made for her (him?)

LJ said...

hugs hugs and more hugs

~Michelle~ said...

Ah girlie, my heart is hurting for you this morning. You take the time to grieve - I know the fur children are just as important as the human children, albeit in a different way. It really is that unconditional love thing, huh?

Pray~and~Wait said...

I'm sooooo sorry!!!! I can only imagine your pain!!! :( Ken's German Shepherd is 13 and we think she won't be with us the rest of the year. He's had her since she was a puppy and is going to be so sad when she leaves us. My frenchie is only 6 and still a ball of energy....BUT he is starting to get gray around his mouth. I can't let myself think too much about it b/c it makes me cry. While we don't have children (the human kind), we love our dogs as if they were our own kids. They bring us joy and laughter and heartache when they are sick. Praying for you today! I'm so very sorry for your loss!!!!

Lisa said...

I'm sorry for your loss Valerie. I've been there on the anniversary thing too. Sometimes all you need is to look at your husband across the sea of chaos and know you are in the trenches together. And Guess what? Soon we can sing that wonderful Alice Cooper song ;)

Glenna @ Hollyhock Quilts said...

:( (((me hugging you)))

Single and Sane said...

I'm so sorry, Valerie. The furry family members hold a special place in all of our hearts.

Rhonda said...

I'm a fan of rose-colored glasses myself, but sometimes you have to remove them to wipe the tears. I'm so sorry for your loss, and the overall bad day, but I know that good times will come again. Praying for you now.

Angie said...

Some days just stink. I'm so sorry about your dog, Valerie!

cssolomon said...

I'm sorry Valerie. My dogs annoy me, but when i lose them I know it'll break my heart. We'll be keeping you and the family in our thoughts.

Tina said...

Big Hugs Valerie!!!

Melinda said...

Sometimes life throws a a good ol'
curve ball that is not catchable.
I'm sorry about your dog.
Prayers for you and your family.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


A Nerd and A Free Spirit said...

I'm sorry. )-: We still miss little Miguel who we had to put to sleep when I was in the hospital last August. I hope your party tonight helped things get a little better. Sorry we couldn't make it! We love you guys!


junglemama said...

I've had those days. Big hugs. Hope you have a great week.