Friday, June 24, 2011

Morning sillies.

My sweet husband knows me all too well.

This morning he took the boys to breakfast so currently I'm enjoying a quiet, quiet, Q-U-I-E-T house. I decided to go in and steal the last of the chocolate cupcakes for breakfast.

Oh yeah, that's how I roll. I totally keep the last of any chocolate or sweets for myself. Selfish, I know. Bless their hearts, all my boys are used to it.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I opened up the container and found this little remnant.

Guess my sweet husband beat me to the punch...


sacha said...

that's sooo doug!

LJ said...

someone's onto your ruse!

~Michelle~ said...

that smiley face is pretty darn cheeky, eh?

Melinda said...

Oh, that sounds like something my husband would do!
Too funny!


ThatsBaloney said...

I hide the goodies but they ALWAYS find them.

A Nerd and A Free Spirit said...

hahaha nice, Doug. Mark doesn't leave the smiley face when he eats the last whatever. I think if he did I might be more forgiving when that ice cream gets finished off. (-:


cssolomon said...

Doug is such a great husband. Thank God for good men. Can I get a AMEN?! :)