Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I'm still here.

But I'm swamped, as in literally up to my eyeballs in everything. Thank you notes that need to be finished from over a month ago (son's birthday party), newer thank you notes from all my boy was showered with during his recent hospital stay, several sewing projects that have yet to be started although they are nearing their deadlines (yipes), family that is coming for a visit this weekend, posts that need to be composed regarding my awesome girlie weekend with my homie, Courtney, a house that needs to be cleaned, a long line of house projects that need to be finished/started/completely shelved, etc., etc., etc.

Oh, and that doesn't include all the mundane everyday pleasures of domesticity, such as laundry, dishes, cooking, chauffering, kitty-litterbox-emptying. And my part-time ballet gig for these two weeks.

So I will be back soon, just as soon as I find my magic wand. I know I left it somewhere...


ThatsBaloney said...

My house is a disaster this week. I have very few places to go and literally just took the week off. Back to reality in the morning. Gonna have to pick this place up and start returning phone calls (oops).

Tina said...

Magic wand? I might have borrowed it...