In honor of post numero hundred-o (my Spanglish really isn't the best), I am going to jump on the bandwagon and do what I've seen the rest of y'all out there in Blogland do -- a GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!
Since my readership out there is in the hundreds, no thousands, well, um, maybe I'm exaggerating and there might be 5 or 6 of you out there(?), I'm going to let the entries go all week. So, from now until Saturday night at midnight (CST), leave a comment on any of my posts from this one on (I'll try my best to post every day), and I will draw the winner on Sunday afternoon. I haven't exactly dreamed up the prize yet, but you must have faith in the fact that I think I have great taste and will make it extra good. Like slap-yer-grandma good. And we all know that means GOOD. (Keep in mind I might actually be paying a visit in person to the best-store-in-the-whole-wide-world this week, and I know for a fact I can find a little somethin' somethin' there. Come on, surely you know by now what store I am talking about?! If not, I will spell it out for you -- A-n-t-h-ropologie.)
Oh, and you internationals out there (that means, outside the good ole U-S-of-A), feel free to enter as well. I'm not afraid of international shipping, not me!
Okay. For those of you still paying attention and not salivating over the thought of possibly winning some little lovely something from THAT store, let's move on to today, STAYCATION DAY NUMERO UNO....
We got off to a rough little start, something about POO ON THE WALLS, but that's all I'm going to say about that. You know, to preserve my sanity and all, and to guarantee the continued life span of a certain three-year-old, and because I have a happy-go-lucky attitude this week, due to it being our staycation and all. Once we got that out of the way, we took my mother and drove up north a little ways to a kids festival on a ranch. Too too fun. And the weather was unbelievably beautiful -- mid 80's, slight cool breeze, unheard of really for this time of the year in Wonderland. One of the highlights for the three-year-old was this:
You just know little three-year-old boys love ANYTHING that gives off a horrendous BOOM and makes smoke.
After a couple of fun-filled hours of the festival, we bid adieu to these lovely ladies:
Soon after our departure from the ranch, we spotted this amazing sight off to the left of the road:
You know what those are? Wild mustangs. About a zillion of them in one huge herd. (You can click on the photo to view it much larger and see what I am talking about.)
A. MAZ. ING. One of the most breathtaking sights I've ever seen. I've only seen wild mustangs one other time in my life, when I was on a college road trip, driving through the Arizona desert, and one or two ran up alongside our car. That was amazing, too, but to see so many of them together like I did today was incredible. And a mile or two down the road we spotted two more groups as well. So awesome!
I'll leave you with those thrilling tales for today because it's time for this weary gal to catch some zzz's. In the meanwhile, come on out. De-lurk. Show me some love people. Tell me how much you enjoy my quirky posts. (Or don't, haha, I can take it.) Show me the love for my poo-filled life. Let's see how many of you there are out there...
Ok,so how is that I am the first of your loyal following to comment... congrats on 100 posts! Look forward to seeing you this week during your staycation!
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway, and congrats!
maumauisginger at gmail dot com
Ha ha -ok I have so been there with the "poo on the walls" - several times!! And none of my friends' kids have ever done this so I'm glad I'm not alone.
And Congrats on 100! And have fun at Anthro - (sigh) I love that store!
Congrats on your first 100 post. Have a realy great day at the shop.
I wanna win!!! Pick me! Pick me! :)
Steven and I both are regular readers of your wonderful blog. You make us laugh out loud - seriously!!!
congratulations on 100 dearie! I'd love to see what your giveaway is all about!
Wow 100 posts - that's fantastic!! I have toilet trained two kids without too much hassle - none that I can remember anyway. Number 3 daughter turns 3 in December and is showing no signs of interest so I think I have a late starter. Now I'm terrified - poo on the walls!! Glad you're enjoying your little stay at home!!
Congratulations on your 100th post. I am happy to say that I am way past the poo stage but I will tell you that my now 11yr old son poo'd in his pants, standing in a corner until 4 1/2 years old! I thought he would go through life with no friends and looking for a corner.....hee hee
about Anthropologie, you have the same obsession as Jamie at pretty ditty.
Love your blog and read it all the time! Hope your staycation is fabulous and in the words of donkey from Shrek, "pick me, pick me!"
Wow and Anthro give a way! Congrats on the 100! Thanks for stopping by. Nice to meet ya!
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