Over on the "Five Minutes for Mom" blog, they have something called "Tackle it Tuesday" (duh, every Tuesday for those of you still trying to figure that one out). Each week people can post (or link to a post, of which I am still in the dark about how to do) showing what they are going to tackle that day (or have tackled successfully), specifically housework/chores/projects, etc., all in the hopes that the accountability from posting will actually bring you some success. I am perfect for this one -- I love to read the posts, see what people are accomplishing (while cheering them on in my head -- you go, girls!), but what do I do myself? Sit on my sofa, laptop in hand, dreaming of things I would like to accomplish, but oftentimes having nothing more than an image in my head of a finished project to show for it, haha. Anyone out there that can relate with me on this one? It's very much like when I have bought exercise videos in the past, and watch them all the way through from my sofa. Seriously. I have done that many a time.
So today I thought we'd have a little experiment of sorts, kind of like a real-life reality show episode for you to watch, Truman Show-style, of my little day in the life and how much I accomplish. Keep in mind, the pressure is on by posting this, so I may accomplish a tad more than I would have knowing that I have an audience. But also keep in mind that I am prone to real-life diversions, especially the bodily-function kind, that could trip up my day -- for example, I woke up early this morning when one my beloved pooches hopped on the bed to barf on my sheets. Well, thank you and good morning, dear sweet doggie! (Um, that may or may not be an exact translation of what came out of my mouth.) And we all know the track record with poo around here, so that could also affect said experiment. Just so you are all aware of this.
Anyway, onwards and upwards. I guess to start out I need a list of what I would like to tackle today. But to be fair and give you a true glimpse into how my brain works and what a "glass-is-half-full" optimistic dreamer (read:nutcase) I am, I think I should write out both a "reality" list and a "fantasy" list, since the twain shall never meet and since that will give us something fun to compare to when it comes time tonight for me to post how much I actually accomplished.
So, the reality list (things I really need to try to accomplish today:
take a shower (when you have a kid, you know that sometimes this needs to be written down to actually happen, haha)
go to the grocery store (blech)
go to the fabric store for another package of batting
add borders to one quilt top
prepare quilt #1 for dropoff tomorrow at the quilter's: sew up backing, trim batting to size, fold top, batting, and backing and put in bag ready for dropoff
buying a birthday present and card for my father-in-law
same thing for quilt #2 + first add the final borders
post office to mail packages
send out email about women's ministry for our Sunday School class
re-wash sheets to re-make the bed (my dog has perfect timing as I had just put clean, fresh, sheets on the bed last night)
Here is my "fantasy" list:
all of the above
playing at least 15-30 minutes of soccer with my son in our new fenced-in front yard with his new soccer goal
weeding my flowerbeds in front
finishing up trees #1 & 2 (of a total 3) in my bathroom painting job
having a carpet cleaning company come to purge the poo smells from the playroom (depends on whether or not this gets scheduled by my husband)
try to finish up one of my library books (244 pages left)
clean up my sewing mess in the dining room
read blogs, lots and lots of blogs
playing on iTunes
cooking dinner
watching the other Netflix movie that I have had for almost two weeks now
upload pics for a post tonight
And truly, that "fantasy" list could go on and on and on. But it is now almost 8:15am (thanks for my early morning wakeup call at 7am, dear sweet barfing doggie), and I need to get a move on, especially since I need to take a shower, fix my hair, get my kid up, etc. Oh just kidding, my there are already lovely kicking and banging on the wall sounds coming from the nursery. Check that one off the list -- check!
On your mark......
get set.......
( I said go, you lazy fool, what are you still doing in bed reading blogs off of Google Reader?! Haha. Okay, I'm getting up...)