First up: the PRIZE. I'll have you know I searched THE STORE (come on, people, it's Anthropologie, remember?) high and low for the perfect prize. I hunted through the sale section. I scoured the clothing section, but that just wasn't going to happen since a.) any prize from the clothing section would be pricey pricey (as opposed to just "pricey", haha), and b.) size? And then I searched through the home goods section and found, in my quirky eyes, the most dreamy little prize. I hope you like it, too. (Don't worry, like all good prize-hunters, I bought one for myself, too, haha.)
Here's the beautiful trophy:
Are you salivating yet? Okay, okay, I'll stop with the Chinese-water-torture and get on with the drawing. Thank goodness I have a trusty assistant (no one's trustier in drawing out a name than a three-year-old who can't read).
Did you catch that I said "grand prize"? Come on, you didn't think I would stop with just one, did you? It is STILL my "staycation" after all, so I came up with two more little prizes. Alas, they are not from Anthropologie, but I hope you might enjoy them just the same. Last year I did a craft show with my friend, L, and I had these dishtowels for sale (among lots of other things). I made them up in the hopes that they would look somewhat "anthropologie-ish" (my favorite adjective that is not really a real word, but it is in my world).
My trusty assistant was more than happy to draw out two more names:
I need all three lovely winners to leave me a comment with your name and address so I can get these prizes out to you pronto. Don't worry -- I'll just get your names and addresses off the comments and then delete them instead of publishing them so they won't be posted for the whole world to see.
Thanks to each and every one of you who came out of the woodwork to introduce yourselves. I've had such a good time with my blog so far. I really wish I had a prize for everybody, and I'm not just sayin' that to be a brown-noser, I really mean it. Anyways you might just want to keep on coming back for more because you never know when I might get the itchin' to do another fun giveaway...
Ya'll come back now, ya' hear?!
Too cute! Love the prizes! You always pick the best gifts.
I just squealed so loud my husband nearly fell off the couch!!! Yay!!! How wonderful - my very first Anthropologie piece!! I really am so thrilled - thank you very, very much. Goodness - lucky me!
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